Education Abroad Opportunities

Find Your Way Forward

Experience the World Through IWU

As an IWU student, you have the opportunity to both study and serve abroad. Our faculty have carefully shaped programs to help you: 

  • foster a global mindset
  • develop cultural responsiveness
  • learn from experts how to navigate in an increasingly global marketplace

Education Abroad Opportunities at IWU

Travel Classes

These global experiences are credit-bearing and are associated with a course in the existing IWU catalog. Travel costs listed do not include the cost of tuition. The trip leaders are the best contacts for details.

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Global Service Learning Teams

Service trips are non-credit bearing experiences. The listed prices include all costs with an estimated rate for flights. These trips are eligible for tax-deductible fundraising. Please contact individual trip leaders for details.

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Semester Abroad

These longer-term experiences of 3-16 weeks give students the chance to truly immerse themselves in partner communities, both domestically and internationally. Because these programs are longer and highly varied, they require initiative and attention-to-detail from participants.

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School of Nursing Short-term Trips

These international experiences are exlusive to the School of Nursing and range from covering just the Intercultural Nursing requirement to full semesters encompasing mutliple courses.

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Any questions? We'd love to hear from you!

Please email Shawn Yang, Director of International Programs.