School of Theology and Ministry

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Theology and Ministry

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The School of Theology and Ministry exists to strengthen the global church by equipping women and men for a lifetime of transformational service. Whether you have a clear sense of God’s calling or are discerning where God is leading you, the School of Theology and Ministry is here to prepare you for faithful service to the Church and the world.

How can we help you discern God's call?

We offer ten specialized ministry majors, all built around core areas of spiritual formation, practical ministry, and biblical and theological studies. We also offer fifteen minors to complement your major in another department or your ministry degree, and three master’s degrees. Whatever major or minor you choose, your professors will be right beside you as you discern God’s calling and prepare to serve Christ and his people.

What practical ministry opportunities are available for students who want to serve?

Our students represent many Christian denominations and cultural backgrounds, creating a rich community that is united in our commitment to Christ. Our faculty are professors and pastors, experts in our academic areas and also active in ministry. The School of Theology and Ministry is also the home of Examen, Fusion, Never Too Young, Summer Ministry Teams, the Called Collective, the Imaginarium, and the Strengthening Ministry with Children Coordination Program, all of which provide unique opportunities for our students to learn, lead, and grow.

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Called to Community

Community is essential to spiritual growth and faithfulness in ministry. That’s why we prioritize spiritual formation and community events. Every academic program includes spiritual formation, a time set aside in your schedule for connecting with classmates and faculty to grow in love of God and love of neighbor. We grow strongest when we grow together.

The Called Collective

The Called Collective is a social network for teens who are called to ministry. Connect with other teens and with staff in the School of the Theology and Ministry who are excited to equip you to follow your call.

Follow the Call Retreat

The Follow the Call Retreat gathers all first-year students every September for a time of community building, spiritual growth, and preparation for academic programs.

Deeper Life Retreat

The Deeper Life Retreat takes the whole School of Theology and Ministry off campus in winter for a time of seeking a deeper experience of God’s spirit together.

Community Events

Community events like cookouts, intramurals, Super Bowl watch parties, and game nights keep students connected to each other. There’s a seat saved for you in this community.

Called to the Classroom

Every major is designed with the needs of the local church, and global church in mind. Your classes equip you for ministry, not only in the future, but right now as you practice what you’re learning. Theory and practice come together for deep understanding in courses like Ministry in Context and Evangelism & Discipleship. Classes like Inductive Bible Study and Systematic Theology prepare you to not only know what you believe, but be able to share the faith with others through preaching, teaching, and writing. Challenge yourself to learn Greek and Hebrew. Discover a passion for theology or church history. Learn how to preach sermons, share the gospel, plan worship services, and lead small groups that invite people into a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ.

Called to Campus

You’re not just preparing for ministry in the future; you’re serving in ministry right now. STM students lead small groups, serve as spiritual life coordinators in the dorms, lead worship in chapel and at other worship events, and are athletic team chaplains.

STM students take the lead for Fusion and Never Too Young, two events that bring thousands of high school and middle school students from churches to campus to encounter Jesus Christ and grow in faith. At IWU, you aren’t just learning about ministry through education; you’re doing ministry.

Called to the Church

Students who are preparing for ordination in The Wesleyan Church meet all ordination requirements by adding the Pastoral Ministries second major to their specialized first major. We work closely with Education and Clergy Development and local District Boards of Ministerial Development to make sure ministerial students are on track for licensure and ordination. We also coordinate with the Church of the Nazarene and the Global Methodist Church, and can support students through other denominational process as well.

STM students are serving in churches around Grant country during the school year, and around the country in the summer. Whether as a volunteer, intern, or staff member, you’ll have opportunities to serve the local church. Students lead worship, teach children’s Bible classes, lead small groups, plan youth camps, lead mission trips, and so much more. 

Called around the World

Summer Ministry Teams

Every summer dozens of students hit the road with our Summer Ministry Teams, leading camps across the United States. This life-changing experience of ministry and fellowship is an amazing way to practice what you’ve been learning through service and live into the calling of pastoral ministries.

Visit Summer Ministry Teams
Summer in the Holy Land Program

The Summer in the Holy Land Program, led by Dr. Brian Bernius, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to encounter the people and places of the Holy Land. Experience locations you’ve only read about in the Bible and meet people doing ministry in one of the most complex geo-political contexts in the world. You can earn up to 12 course credits and meet requirements in several majors and minors. The Holy Land Program is offered in odd years.

Learn More about the Summer in the Holy Land Program
Intercultural Engagement in Ghana

Intercultural Engagement in Ghana, led by Dr. DJ Coleman, takes students to West Africa to expand their vision of the global church and participate in inter-religious dialogue with Muslims. Students visit Accra and Tamale and engage with missionaries and local spiritual and civic leaders. This program is offered during May term in even years.

Next Internship

The Next Internship through Global Partners, the missionary organization of The Wesleyan Church, sends student interns around the world to discern a calling to long-term mission service and to partner with missionaries in the field. Students have recently served through missions in Bosnia, Istanbul, Cambodia, and more.

Learn More about the Next Internship

Available Minors

  • Bible
  • Biblical History and Geography
  • Children and Family Ministries
  • Christian Foundations
  • Christian Ministries
  • Intercultural Studies
  • Pastoral Counseling and Care
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Sports Ministry
  • Theology
  • Worship Studies
  • Youth Ministries

Distinguished Faculty and Staff

The School of Theology and Ministry has an amazing group of full-time, affiliate and adjunct faculty members that assist with coursework for all of our students on the Marion, Indiana campus.

Meet the Faculty

Youth Ministry Events

Indiana Wesleyan University hosts a number of events for middle and school-aged students throughout the year! These events are geared towards giving students a unique encounter with Jesus through teaching, games, and more.

Learn More

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