JWHC Scholarships

Find Your Way Forward

Scholarship Information

All students accepted into the John Wesley Scholars program receive a four-year scholarship from the Honors College. These Honors College scholarships are distributed annually as follows:

  • One student will receive a $20,000 scholarship ($5,000/ year)
  • Two students will receive a $10,000 scholarships ($2,500/ year)
  • Each additional student accepted into the John Wesley Scholars program will receive a $4,000 scholarship ($1,000/ year)

Information about the Luther Lee Scholars program, its co-curricular opportunities, and the scholarships awarded can be found at the Luther Lee Scholars Program page

scholarships are awarded in addition to general academic merit scholarships. Students who are awarded the scholarship are expected to remain members in good standing within the John Wesley Scholars program and participate in student leadership on campus throughout their undergraduate years.

To be eligible to participate in the scholarship competition, students must first apply to the John Wesley Scholars Program, an Honors College program for incoming freshmen. From among the applicants, the most qualified students will be selected to interview for the program and participate in the scholarship competition. Interview dates for 2021 include Friday, January 29, and Friday, February 19; applications are due January 15 and February 5, respectively.

Students will be evaluated based on (1) an interview with faculty members and a current Honors College student, (2) participation in a class discussion with an Honors College faculty member and other applicants, and 3) an essay composed onsite. To prepare for the class discussion, students are encouraged to read Plato's "Allegory of the Cave," Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 13 as the basis for a conversation on the nature and purpose of education. Award recipients will be notified shortly after the second competition.

The Admission Interview Day is an all-day event; students traveling from out of town are welcome to arrive the evening before for a few optional events and may stay with a current Honors College student if desired. Parent activities are also planned during the competition. Additional details about the day will be sent with an email invitation to all those who are asked to participate.

For more information about the Admission Interview Days, please email jwhc.admissions@indwes.edu or call 765-677-1799. To be eligible to participate, complete your application to the John Wesley Honors College today!