School of Theology and Ministry

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Theology and Ministry


The School of Theology and Ministry exists to strengthen the global church by equipping women and men for a lifetime of transformational service. Whether you have a clear sense of God’s calling or are discerning where God is leading you, the School of Theology and Ministry is here to prepare you for faithful service to the Church and the world.

How can we help you discern God's call?

We offer ten specialized ministry majors, all built around core areas of spiritual formation, practical ministry, and biblical and theological studies. We also offer fifteen minors to complement your major in another department or your ministry degree, and three master’s degrees. Whatever major or minor you choose, your professors will be right beside you as you discern God’s calling and prepare to serve Christ and his people.

What practical ministry opportunities are available for students who want to serve?

Our students represent many Christian denominations and cultural backgrounds, creating a rich community that is united in our commitment to Christ. Our faculty are professors and pastors, experts in our academic areas and also active in ministry. The School of Theology and Ministry is also the home of Examen, Fusion, Never Too Young, Summer Ministry Teams, the Called Collective, the Imaginarium, and the Strengthening Ministry with Children Coordination Program, all of which provide unique opportunities for our students to learn, lead, and grow.

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Distinguished Faculty

Charlie Alcock Headshot

Charlie Alcock

Assistant Professor | MA

Charlie Alcock is invested in the lives of students and how their lives impact those around them, above them, and below them. He teaches classes that walk students through the ministry program each year, focusing on calling, equipping and sustaining students to be future leaders and pastors. Charlie received his Bachelor's Degree from Indiana Wesleyan University and his Masters of Arts from Azusa Pacific University, before coming back to his Alma Mater to connect with students as a professor and mentor. Charlie is the Executive Director of Youth Ministry Events, which seeks to give students the opportunity to plan conferences for teenagers, such as Never To Young and Fusion, and sends students all over the country to help with summer camps during the Summer. Charlie recently released a book, Full Circle, that discusses youth ministry that both starts and ends with the foundation of Jesus.

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Available Minors

Complement your major and future career with a strong foundation in Bible, theology, or specialized ministry preparation. Whatever your calling or interests, you can choose a minor to help you follow God’s calling in your life. With a minor in the School of Theology and Ministry, you’ll have professors who want to connect with you and invest in your spiritual, academic, and personal growth.

Minors require 15 unique credits. 

Add a Bible minor to any major to gain skills for faithful biblical interpretation. This 18-credit minor includes Inductive Bible Study, advanced Bible courses, and the option of studying biblical languages.  

Add a Biblical History and Geography minor to add deeper understanding of the locations where the events of the Bible took place. Courses in the Summer in the Holy Land Program are options in this minor.  You can also complete the minor by studying biblical languages.

A minor in Children and Family Ministries will prepare you to minister effectively to children and their families as a staff member or volunteer in a church or other Christian organization. This is a popular minor among education majors, caring professions, and anyone who enjoys working with kids.

Make the most of the Christ-centered classes at IWU by adding a Christian Foundations minor. This 18-credit minor includes 12 credits of general education in Bible, theology, and philosophy plus 6 credits of your choice in Bible, theology, or ministry and a faith integration capstone. This minor is only available to students with majors outside the School of Theology and Ministry. 

A minor in Community Development combines a biblical and practical foundation, with a specialization.  The Non-Profit Leadership specialization is a strong complement to a degree in business or for anyone who anticipates work in a non-profit setting. The Human Trafficking Studies specialization is strongly recommended for nursing, criminal justice, social work, and education students. We also offer a certificate in Human Trafficking Studies.

Prepare for ministry in a diverse world with a minor in Global Ministries. Whether you are called to full time missionary service, short term mission work, or a diverse workplace, this minor can help you follow your call. 

In an increasingly global world, an Intercultural Studies minor can prepare you to be more effective in a diverse workplace. This minor is especially popular among students called to business, politics, education, and helping professions.

A minor is Pastoral Counseling and Care provides you with skills and knowledge for effective relational ministry. This minor works well with psychology, social work, and fields that work closely with hurting people. 

If you’re drawn to life’s biggest questions, Philosophy and Religion is a minor you’ll love. Explore the nature of reality, the relationship between faith and reason. Wrestle with ethical and metaphysical questions, and more. 

A minor in Sports Ministry equips you with specialized skills and training for ministry with athletes.  Explore models of sports ministry and the unique context that athletics provides for evangelism and discipleship. This is an especially popular major among student athletes and exercise science majors.

Add a minor in Theology to deepen and broaden your theological education. With this minor, you’ll get to explore what Christians believe and why. Grow more confident in understanding your own faith and integrating it with your life and career. 

A minor in Worship Studies is a valuable addition for any student who is interested in leading worship, whether as a volunteer or a staff member. Take specialized courses like Theology and Practice of Christian Worship Design, and gain a greater understanding of the true meaning of worship. This is a popular option for music majors, Chapel worship leaders, or anyone leads worship in a local church.

A minor in Youth Ministries will prepare you to minister effectively to teenagers and their families as a staff member or volunteer in a church or other Christian organization. This is a popular minor among education majors and anyone who feels called to serve the next generation.