Great Lakes Region of The Wesleyan Church

The Great Lakes Region of The Wesleyan Church has created a two-year residency program designed to fully equip you for a life of vocational ministry. This residency is designed to give you real-world experience, quality teaching, and access to many different experiences and ministry contexts. We partner residents with vibrant churches who develop leaders. These churches help a resident grow through hands-on training in rural, urban, and suburban environments. This two-year partnership allows you to learn, develop your skills, lead people, launch new ministries, and boldly try new things with the support of a local church and a region. Find out more by visiting

After review of the Great Lakes Region’s residency program, Wesley Seminary has determined equivalency exists in terms of graduate theological credit hour for the work and experience of those programs toward a master ­level degree at Wesley Seminary. Residents may be eligible for up to but not exceeding the equivalent of 12 credit hours of graduate theological education credit for the totality of the two-year residency program. Great Lakes Region residents will develop a portfolio over the course of their two-year residency. This portfolio will then be submitted for review. Residents will be charged a portfolio review fee.

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