The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Wesley Seminary is proud to partner with The Wesleyan Church (TWC). As one of the educational institutions of TWC, Wesley Seminary helps fulfill TWC’s objectives and interests regarding teaching and ministry. One of these objectives is to encourage more Wesleyan ministers to complete a seminary degree. To support this goal, Wesley Seminary offers a $100 per-credit scholarship in the masters-level programs to Wesleyan ministers who are ministerial students, licensed ministers, or ordained. This scholarship is not available for Doctor of Ministry students.

The Wesleyan Church is an Evangelical Protestant denomination with approximately 475,000 people in 5,000 churches and missions, in 90 countries of the world. Founded in 1968 as the result of a merger between the Wesleyan Methodist Church and the Pilgrim Holiness Church, its roots are in the abolitionist and holiness revival movements of the nineteenth century. Its twenty-first century emphasis is on exalting Christ through worldwide missions, compassion ministries, and concern for social justice that reaches out to all people.

Read more about The Wesleyan Church.