
The following specializations are offered for the Master of Arts in Ministry and Master of Divinity programs.

Biblical Studies

Crafted to deepen students' understanding of the Bible, while equipping them with the essential skills for relevant application of biblical texts

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Children, Youth and Family

Designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and spiritual foundation required to make an impact in the lives of children, youth, and families.

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Specifically designed to equip students with a core set of leadership, management, and communication skills essential for effective participation in God’s mission

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Pastoral Care

Thoughtfully designed to equip students for roles in pastoral ministry, underscoring the essential practice of self-care as a cornerstone for effective spiritual leadership and support

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Pastoral Ministry

Meticulously designed for individuals who are actively engaged in ministry and are seeking to deepen their understanding and enhance their skills in pastoral care and leadership

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Spiritual Formation

Innovative program designed for individuals passionate about deepening their understanding of Christian spirituality and its application in today's world

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Worship Arts

Designed for those called to lead and innovate in worship ministry, this specialization equips students with a comprehensive theology of worship, blended seamlessly with practical ministry skills

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