Addressing Poverty: Our Collective Responsibility
“What does the Lord require of you? To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
Grounded in Micah 6:8, this camp focuses on how to be God’s hands and feet in a world that needs to see Him. Campers will grapple with real world issues of poverty, equality, advocacy, inclusion, and social justice from a Christian worldview. Through a series of visiting different social service agencies, campers will engage in hands on learning about the profession of social work and social issues within the community. Campers will practice basic active listening counseling skills, case management, and participate in a service-learning project.
Total Registration Cost: $500
Cost includes resident hall lodging, three meals a day, snacks, and all major aspects of the camp. Our dining hall has many options for those with food allergies. However, we encourage you to bring appropriate snacks since not all snack options will meet all dietary needs.
Note: The $50 non-refundable registration fee is due at the time of registration. No student will be considered registered until they have submitted this fee. Balance of tuition and fees are due by May 31, 2025.
Dr. Katti Sneed
Dr. Sneed is the Director of the Masters of Social Work Program at Indiana Wesleyan University Marion Residential Campus. Her research interests and clinical practice has primarily been in the area of trauma, diversity and inclusion, and addictions. Dr. Sneed holds a PhD in Human Services and Social Work. In addition, she has a Masters of Social Work (MSW) from Indiana University, after receiving Bachelors in Psychology and Sociology from Purdue University. Dr. Sneed is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor (LCAC).
Her practice has been varied, allowing for experiences with multiple populations in diverse settings. Dr. Sneed began her career in domestic violence, working individually and facilitating groups for both men and women. She has taught parenting classes to women and girls in the public school, alternative school, and penal institutions. Likewise, she has conducted individual and groups with rape survivors and child sexual abuse survivors. For a brief time she worked with chronically mentally ill men and women.
The bulk of Dr. Sneed’s work has been in private and mental health clinical practice. Here she served as an inpatient and outpatient addiction specialist for adults and adolescents. Conducting marriage and family counseling, seeing adult and child sexual abuse survivors, working with those struggling with eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues comprised her clinical work.