Bridge Initiative

Create educational opportunities to prepare students for church and marketplace positions

Align future leaders with ministry experiences, designed to support church initiatives and develop the next generation of leaders

Tailor an intentional spiritual formation platform, through weekly chapels, small groups, mentoring, and mission trips

Why Partner with IWU?

Indiana Wesleyan University - National & Global (IWU-NG) aims to establish partnerships with churches across the nation to deliver high quality education to students in their churches and communities. Through a combination of online learning, local support, and experiential learning opportunities, students can earn an associate or bachelor’s degree, without leaving their community and becoming burdened financially. This integrated learning experience has benefits for both students and the church.


Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) offers an innovative partnership program through which students can earn a quality higher education degree, while serving at a local church.

The program includes nontraditional course delivery and experiential learning opportunities, designed to extend the IWU educational mission and provide affordable pathways to a degree. The combination of the university academic programs and the important mission of the local church is a unique partnership to shape the next generation of leaders for the church and marketplace.

Through a mutual partnership, the university and your church provide a learning environment that includes coursework delivered by IWU as well as hands-on ministry and a spiritual formation culture fostered by the church. Upon graduation, students will earn a quality higher education degree, which will position them for success in future church and marketplace opportunities.


IWU is committed to providing an affordable pathway to a higher education degree and resourcing the local church. This commitment is at the heart of the church partnership initiative. IWU offers students reduced tuition and fees throughout their time in the programs.

A full-time student will be charged $7,000 annually over three equal installments, allowing for 24-30 credit hours). Additionally, to support student services and spiritual formation at the local church, the university will collect a partner fee, not to exceed $1,000 per term (or $3,000 annually). Churches have the option to collect less than $3,000 per year in partner fees, with caps set at zero dollars or $500 per term (or $1,500 annually). As collected and on a predetermined schedule, the partner fee is disbursed in full to the church to cover various expenses.

Beyond the tuition and partner fee, the church may charge additional fees for housing, mission trips, and other approve activities. However, the collection and financing of these fees will be independent of the university. Other fees for textbooks, computers, travel, and educational supplies are to be assumed by the student.

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