MSW Faith Integration

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The IWU MSW Program and Christian Faith

As part of a Christian University, the MSW program at Indiana Wesleyan is committed to helping students to explore the meaning of the Christian faith and the value of a Biblical worldview in social work practice.

Consistent with the mission and purpose of social work, the Bible is clear that because of God’s love, people who are hurting, oppressed, and marginalized matter uniquely to Him. The Bible is also clear that because God is holy and just, He cares about justice and redeeming and restoring a broken world. Finally, because God is true and has built truth into the world He created, the Bible is clear that God has revealed Himself and His truth in the Bible so that people can flourish, find life, love others well, and be good stewards of all that He has given us.

Class Devotionals and Learning

In keeping with the Biblical perspectives described above, students in the MSW program will regularly engage with devotional material where they explore Christianity and Biblical ideas and how they relate to social work practice for bringing positive change to individuals, families, organizations, and communities. Students will also explore a Biblical view of ethics and ethical decision making, learning to compare a Biblical view of ethics and ethical issues with other worldviews. Finally, students will explore ways to approach issues of faith ethically in practice.

The MSW program welcomes students from all faith, cultural, and worldview perspectives and seeks to create an environment where all can explore ideas in a climate of support and respect.

For More Information

Thank you for your interest in the MSW program at Indiana Wesleyan. The MSW program faculty believe that God’s ideas, as found in the Bible, are good for the world. If you have additional questions about our approach to the integration of Christian faith in the classroom, we would also be happy to connect with you. Please contact a program enrollment advisor for more information.

Please also see the link below for a Summary of Wesleyan Doctrinal Beliefs upheld by the University and MSW program.

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