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Bachelor's in Science Education

Do you want to learn the skills to become a science teacher in public or private middle- and high schools in Indiana? If so, it’s time to discover the BS in Science Education at Indiana Wesleyan University. With this comprehensive program, you can gain the skills to lead and manage traditional, hybrid, and online science classes. The BS in science program is also designed to meet the Indiana science education standards, and the standards developed by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). At our Christian university, you can learn how to synthesize biblical principles with the teachings of this science education bachelor’s program.

Why Pursue My Bachelor’s in Science Education at IWU?

There are several benefits to pursuing a science teacher career at IWU. This accredited degree program is taught by faculty with experience teaching science to diverse secondary school students in public and religious schools. We also provide a full system of student services, from tech support to tutoring, to help you succeed in this BS in science program. Students learn from expert faculty who will become mentors in the faith, integrating classroom learning with biblical truths for a Christ-centered environment that encourages spiritual growth.

What Will I Learn in this BS in Science Education Program?

The courses in this BS in science offer a combined focus on both biology and chemistry, and include a core of calculus, physics, biology, chemistry, and earth science courses. Student also study animal, plant, cellular, and microbiology, and courses in organic, analytical, physical, and biological chemistry, among others. The student experience combines traditional coursework with practical experiences, collaborative projects, and research-focused learning.

What Makes IWU Different?

Education Pioneer

IWU has provided education for more than 100 years.

Rooted in Christ

Faith-integrated curriculum and a commitment to changing the world.

Superior Support

Center for Student Success for counseling, tutoring, and more!

What You'll Study

Coursework for this BS in science education program offers opportunities to:

  • Gain field experience applying effective methods in a public/private school classroom under the direction of a classroom teacher and evaluated by a university supervisor
  • Learn the principles of genetics, cell development, and structure and function in cells, membranes, and molecules as related to organisms
  • Explore ecological principles and their relevance to human impact on the natural environment
  • Engage in original research under the direction of a faculty member


Courses in this Program

These courses contain the program-specific knowledge. Upon completion, you should have the tools to conquer your new career with confidence. For a full list of courses required to complete your degree, please visit the course catalog. Click on a course below to view the description.


After Graduation
Potential Careers

  • Science Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Elementary, Middle, and Secondary School Teacher
  • Math Teacher
  • Computer Science Teacher
  • Chemistry Teacher

Work in Various Industries

  • Industry

Program Requirements
Indiana Wesleyan University students are assessed multiple times as they progress through the Teacher Education Program and acquire the knowledge, skills and dispositions required of successful educators.
  1. Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
    • Cumulative GPA of 2.75 and a 3.0 in each teaching major, including teacher education courses. All professional education courses completed with a grade of C- or less must be repeated.
    • Formal application.
    • Teacher Education Program Assessments: interview; reading and writing on demand assessments.
  2. Admission to student teaching. Students apply for admission to student teaching a year prior to the academic year in which the student teaching semester occurs.
    • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the major.
    • Design a lesson plan that is assessed by a School of Teacher Education faculty member using an assessment rubric that is expressly designed for that purpose.
  3. Students apply for admission to student teaching a year prior to the academic year in which the student teaching semester occurs.

The student teaching semester culminates with the following assessments:

  • Students develop a standards-based portfolio during the student teaching semester, assembling artifacts in five different domains that provide evidence that they have met the standards and expectations required of them. The portfolio is assessed with a rubric designed expressly for that purpose.
  • Student teachers develop a Teacher Work Sample that is designed to determine the degree to which their teaching has been effective in producing the learning expected of their students.
  • As the concluding activity of the student teaching semester, a defense committee, consisting of the student's supervising teacher, School of Teacher Education faculty, other University faculty and practicing P-12 teachers, conducts an interview with each student teacher. The student teacher is assessed on his or her professional impression and also the degree to which he or she answers questions successfully.
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Indiana Wesleyan University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC),, 312-263-0456. Other accreditations and associations of Indiana Wesleyan University are available at

The IWU Teacher Education Program is accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and is a member of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE).
Take the Next Step

Discover the way ahead and pursue your goal of becoming a science teacher in middle- and high school settings. Learn more about the BS in Science Education degree at IWU!

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