Indiana Wesleyan University's Division of Modern Language, Literature & Communication is happy to invite you to explore and consider our academic community and programs. Each of our majors promotes the love of language arts and the deliberate study, constructive use and creative exploration of powerful language.
Our programs are supported by 10 full-time faculty members with diverse areas of interest and expertise. Our division is housed on the first floor of a beautiful building, Elder Hall, that is named for a much-beloved, retired English professor, Dr. Marj Elder. Our faculty and students are inspired by her commitment to IWU, to her students, and to her favorite author, Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Mark Perry
Dr. Perry is a professor, broadcaster and independent producer with extensive professional experience in radio broadcasting, including WMBI-FM/WMBI in Chicago in a variety of positions. What Dr. Perry wants for you as a prospective student: Take advantage of what we offer and be involved every semester in what we’re doing and in your major.
Take your next step in discovering your God-given talents at IWU's Division of Modern Language, Literature & Communication.
In addition to the traditional classroom experience, our programs offer seminars, workshops, literary readings, guest writers and lecturers, internships in the U.S. and abroad, travel courses, and employment for many of our students as Writing Center and Language Lab tutors.
Extracurricular opportunities include Literati, a group of English and Writing majors and minors who sponsor poetry readings and word games and who do service learning projects in the community and La Amistad Hispánica (Spanish Club).
Our Writing and English majors also produce and edit a literary magazine, Caesura, featuring the creative writing and visual art of IWU students.
Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society (La Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica), is the only honor society devoted exclusively to students of Spanish in four-year colleges and universities.
Sigma Delta Pi offers a scholarship program for its active members with annual undergraduate awards for summer study in Spain, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia (locations subject to change). Sigma Delta Pi also offers its members free career services.
The National Council of Teachers of English is a professional association of educators in English studies, literacy and language arts devoted to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education.
IWU English Education majors are required to join this national organization during their studies.
Lambda Tau Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society fosters all aspects of the discipline of English, including literature, language, and writing; promotes exemplary character and good fellowship among its members; exhibits high standards of academic excellence; and serves society by fostering literacy.
Local members can also apply for internships and scholarship through the International Society, as well as submit work for publication and attend and/or present at international conferences.
The following are some of the many courses enjoyed by Modern Language Literature and Communication students at Indiana Wesleyan University
Explore the modern myth-making of the Marvel movies, examining the origins of the film franchise’s unique characters and universal themes in superhero comics and in more ancient mythology.
Delve the depths of our culture’s concepts of heroism as imagined through the Marvel Universe and investigate how these films embody and reimagine the types of heroic stories humanity has always told. In the nobility of Captain America, the brilliance of Tony Stark, the strength of the Hulk, the dedication of the Black Widow, and the power of Thor, students will trace the aspirations of our heroes and how their stories imagine worlds of wonder and hope.
These two courses develop the student’s fluency and general competency in Spanish through creative group activities that encourage the use of the vocabulary and language conventions of the world of business. Some of the topics covered in these courses are how to find a job, how to adapt to employment in Spanish-speaking countries, how to evaluate job offers, how to start a business, the importance of investments, and the use and advantages of credit. These topics are addressed both in conversation and in professional writing projects.